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Legend (COBRA/COBRA_Geo_Survey_EastOfFano)

Airborne footprint (1)
MBES BKS Tracklines (2)
SBES Tracklines (3)
SBP Tracklines (4)
SPT positions (6)
Targets (8)
seabed Classification (9)
Gyttja Gyttja
Large ripples Large ripples
Larger ripples seen in the bathymetry. Larger ripples seen in the bathymetry.
Patched, mixed sediments Patched, mixed sediments
Patched, mixed sediments Peat/Gyttja/Clay Patched, mixed sediments Peat/Gyttja/Clay
Peat/Gyttja with patches of sand Peat/Gyttja with patches of sand
Sand Sand waves Sand Sand waves
Sand small ripples Sand small ripples
Sand, Small ripples Sand, Small ripples
Sand, small scale sand waves Sand, small scale sand waves
Sandy Gyttja (looks like sand) Sandy Gyttja (looks like sand)
Shoreface Shoreface
Structureless, Gyttja/sand? Structureless, Gyttja/sand?
Upper shore. Perhaps to be joined with Gyttja Upper shore. Perhaps to be joined with Gyttja
Vegetated Vegetated
Vegetated area Vegetated area
mixed sediments, Sand, Gyttja mixed sediments, Sand, Gyttja
<all other values> <all other values>
Contours (11)
MBES 0.5M (12)
High : 5,62483 - Low : -5,07464 High : 5,62483 - Low : -5,07464